Monday, December 6, 2010

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: America's Cop Model

For those of you who haven't heard of this ignorant media whore, he's the racist, borderline retarded sheriff of Maricopa County AZ. He has a tent city jail in the middle of the desert. He also has his very own chain gang, straight outta ''Cool Hand Luke''. He's a hateful, disgusting pig of a person who the world would be better off without. A modern day George Wallace if you will. Here's Joe showing off his ignorance in Kevin Booth's ''American Drug War''. Notice how smug and arrogant he is. Notice how proud and happy he is to be putting people with addiction problems through pure hell. 

Don't know about you, but when Kevin Booth was wiring Sheriff Joe for the interview, I saw a striking resemblance to Private Joker helping developmentally challenged Private Pyle get dressed in Stanley Kubrick's "Full Metal Jacket".
Here's what's become of America aka ''the land of the free'', ''sweet land of liberty''........which is governed ''for the people by the people''

 The bodies of dozens of homicide victims have turned up in the West Valley, in Arpaio's jurisdiction. He's been too busy rounding up undocumented tree trimmers to go after people responsible for murders. As a result, the people who depend on him for their police protection are at great risk. 

So take a look at a true to life pig in every since of the word. 
This is the result of people electing the least among us to positions of enormous power.

Make life better for the rest of us and suck on a mouthful of peyote buttons for awhile Joe.